Thursday 2 April 2015

Article Review: How to Get a 5SOS Band Member to Follow you on Twitter

I chose the Article The Official Guidebook on how to get 5 Seconds of Summer band members to follow you on Twitter, because I struggle everyday to try to get one of the members to follow me, so it relates to my everyday life. The article was done very well and is highly accurate. I thought all the steps were very helpful, and effective. In the article it explained reasoning behind the authors suggestions well, and also added other helpful tips, ex: the different time zones. It was divided up giving tips that normally will get each band member's attention and it included tips for the band account as well. It was short and got to the point of everything that was useful but also gave a quick explanation behind everything. I've seen on twitter in the past that a lot of these steps actually helped people get one of the band members follow. I definitely recommend that if you're looking for a follow from a 5SOS band member, to read this how to article. I'm very excited to try these steps out and hopefully you will hear in the close upcoming future that I managed to get one of the boys follow! 


There are no more than three grammatical or spelling errors in the article. 5/5 
The article has a catchy headline that makes you want to read it. 5/5 
The article has a purpose, explaining benefits to the reader. 5/5 
Did they use descriptive words? 2/5 
The steps in the article are clear and easy to understand. 5/5 
Total: 22/25

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